
Using Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness or E-A-T, is a vital theory for use when creating compliant SEO content in all your internet activities. Your local SEO Company on the Gold Coast will help you become completely compliant on your site and content.

Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines from 2015

These guidelines were introduced to dramatically increase your chances of obtaining a high SEO ranking for your site and content

E-A-T Explained

Google is an Authority on information, so only wants to recommend sites that exhibit a very high degree of expertise, authority and trustworthiness to their customers.

Google doesn’t want content that is inaccurate, uneducated or unreliable. The E-A-T guidelines are designed primarily to protect Google users from low quality, inaccurate or irrelevant search results.

Apart from the content they check:

  • The expertise or credentials of the author or site creator
  • The authority provided by the content creator and the hosting website
  • The trustworthiness of the content creator and hosting website


This refers to whether or not the main content on a web site or page is created by someone who has the relevant credentials, qualifications or experience to back up the opinion they are expressing. Google tries to stop misinformation from spreading through their site.

Google looks for sites that provide high quality original information that answers people’s questions and solves searchers problems in a clear and precise manner. It rewards sites that demonstrate knowledge and provide insightful dialogue without unnecessary or unrelated content.

Important aspects are:

  • Showing the author has the experience and knowledge to discuss the subject matter
  • Does the author hold the relevant qualifications and credentials in the areas they are discussing?


This is in regard to your website, company branding or personal identities, generally, recognised and accepted authority in that people know about you and your company’s background, reputation and you are a recognised leader in your particular industry. These attributes are usually built up over time and with a positive internet exposure. Your SEO company on the Gold Coast can assist you with becoming an authority in your industry

They look at testimonials, reviews, the reputation of the author, their credentials and position within the industry as well as its truthfulness and usefulness to the reader


Proving your trustworthiness is vital and Google will check to see that your content is totally trustworthy. Showing a lack of trust on your website on content can negatively impact your website.

Trustworthiness includes such things as:

  • Site Security
  • Inbound links
  • Reviews
  • Website originality and legitimacy
  • Any aspect that causes doubt or concern for users

A trustworthy site means your visitors can trust the accuracy, transparency and honesty of all the content on your site with things like:

  • Providing all visitors and users with contact details for easily contacting  site owners
  • Providing a physical location on the website so customers can visit in person
  • A simple and easy to understand terms and conditions as well as guarantees and privacy policies
  • Clear and fair returns and refund policies
  • Secure domain and properly implemented HTTPS

Google’s E-A-T theory matter for SEO is very relevant for all businesses, your local SEO company on the Gold Coast is ideally situated to help your business to become completely E-A-T compliant.